A new android version of my game Alchemy War was released : Alchemy war 1.4.
Some new features in this version:
- Now you have 89 objects to discover,
- More combinaisons,
- French translation.
Thank you very much all for your supports. I will make new posts on Alchemy War, to let you see some of its statistics.
WakeUp Sun
Hey man! I really like your game and im at level 130, but i’m messing around.. Cant have more than the axe as an attack, the raft as a defense… DO you have some tips or some combination for me?
i’ve seem one opponent with a bomber! wow amazing how can i do it ?
Hi Theophane, thanks for playing Alchemy war!
With the axe, you should try with some animals.
With the tools, you can find good stuff.
Before having a bomber, you need to find the airplane.
Have you found the wheel?
mix cow with the bird, and bird with fire you will get a phoenix mix flying bird with phoenix you will get a dragon
the attack is 6 stars
Hello shehroz,
You don’t play with the last version of Alchemy War, the attack of the dragon is 4 stars
I’m sorry
Im begging you tell me how to nake tools
I would love some help with combinations cause I am stuck please send the como list and how to make them
Hi Shanae,
It is the game to try to find more and more combinaisons. If I give all the combinaisons, the game will be too easy
I am developping a new feature on Alchemy war to know more things on objects (if you can do combinaisons with them for example).
So, I ended up creating a spreadsheet to keep track of what elements I had, how I made them, what combinations they made and how many they could make. Three days later I’ve passed level 300 and have 87 elements.
The problem – I’ve found all the combinations for all the elements I have except for 1 wood, 1 tools, and 2 for energy drink. But those don’t combine with each other (or themselves) except for wheel, which I already have.
Is it possible some of the combination information numbers are wrong?
In the ‘All’ list, I’m missing whatever comes between ‘bottle’ and ‘cowboy’, and what comes between ‘machine’ and ‘cotton bud’. And hints you could give me for these last two would be much appreciated!
Hi Vagonbrei, I am really impressed by what you have done!
So I have checked and:
- for wood, there are 15 combinations: but you can make craft with 2 differents combinations with wood and you can make arrow with 2 differents combinations with wood too.
- for tools, there are 8 combinations (as you can see on the “star” button).
- for energy drink, the number of combinations is 1 (as you can see on the “star” button). I don’t understand why you think they are 2 combinations with it, can you tell me?
- Wheel is not the only one which can combine with itself (example: to make a book
- I made a mistake on my code: I didn’t put the combination to make the element between bottle and cowboy and for the one between machine and cotton bud. Fortunately, these 2 new elements have not combinations with other elements. I will add these combinations to make them in the next release.
I will add more objects and more combinations really soon!
Do you know they are more level than 300?
Thank you very much for your report!
No idea why I though energy drink had three combinations, and I had all of the ones under wood all along. Leather was the one I was missing under tools. So there are a total of 87 elements currently then? I guess I’ll just have to keep playing to find out how many levels. Thanks so much for the help!
Yes in this actual version (1.51) of Alchemy War, you have 87 elements to find. I am working on adding more elements and combinations.
If you have idea for the game, that I can develop, don’t hesitate to suggest
I have just finished a new version of Explodon. Let me know what you think about!
can you give me some hint how to make cool thinks for example a plane or something strong plz help me tnx
Try to make tools, you can do many things with them.
hello this is a page facebook about alchemy war , like it please !!!!
PS: This page is in French, but if you translate the page you will see there are plenty of tricks! This page is a page where we are on player exchanges combinations! brief goodbye soon i hope!
Hi french-girl,
Thank you very much!
Can you just write on your page this is a fan page, and not the official from me?
WakeUp Sun
Flying cow + milk = energy drink (red bull)
Wood + iron + = start = raw cow meat + fire = cooked meat
Flying cow milk + = energy drink
Bird / Duck + cow= flying cow
Bird + water = Cannard
Argil + stone = sandstone
Cow+ sun = leather
Water + paper = tree
Please help me with tools
Did you find steel?
I’m at Lvl 100, steel is found but I have no idea of how to make tools or even a plane…
Plz help?
can you help me?
I keep trying to make an axe and tools but I for got hoe to make still
please switch delete and load button in save menu i keep presing delete on my good saves
Can you add a list so people can see which combinations they already made. Because i make the same combos over and over.
Ps, is the game on the computer?
How do i make fire? Plzzz tell me.
It’s an easy combination!
You can make fire with many combos. Try like a Cro-Magnon man!
Hi Eric,
For the moment, the game is only on Android. You can play on every Android phones or tablets.
For the combos, don’t hesitate to be imaginative
Will someone mahow to make fire?
How can i do steel?
hi im making a facebook page of alchemy war in ENGLISH for everyone ill put in everything in i know https://www.facebook.com/pages/Alchemy-war/605500736167342?skip_nax_wizard=true
Hi shane,
Can you notice that is a fan page (not an official one), thanks.
Thank you!
can you help me with torch?
order of enemies killy-biggy-buzzy-snaky-mercy-scary
Don’t forget crazy
how to make rocket
How do you make steel I have tried everything and it didn’t work
Hi Jason,
try again, it is possible!
It possible
Truck+energie drink=monster truck
Milk+flying cow=energize drink
What is the 2nd combo for the bomber besides the airplane im lvl 450
Please step up the save mode its kinda shitty to have to start many levels back plus it does bot let you save found elements before dying.
i need stronger defences but dont know any good combinations. can someone help me?